Everything you need to know about Solidity fallback functions


Smart contract functions are the building blocks of smart contracts, which are blockchain-based autonomous programmes. A smart contract function might be configured to operate when a given quantity of currency is received or when a specific contract condition is satisfied.

Smart contract functionalities must typically be “externally” triggered. In other words, solidity and evm in general do not allow crons or other self-executing programmes. The bytecode must be sent to evm via an external account. Simply put, this bytecode is a collection of instructions that the EVM may use to seek for contract bytecode stored at a certain location and then execute the calldata. Here is more information about ethereum accounts. In this blog post, we are going to divew deep into fallback functions in Solidity, their syntax, types, how to use them and where to use.

Types of functions in Solidity

There are several types of smart contract functions:

State-changing functions: These functions alter the smart contract’s state by altering variables’ values or by producing new data. State-changing functions are carried out via a transaction, which is processed and validated by blockchain nodes.

View functions: These operations return data depending on the smart contract’s existing state rather than altering that state. View functions don’t need a transaction to be conducted on the blockchain.

Pure functions: These functions only rely on their input parameters to determine the value they return; they neither read nor alter the smart contract’s state. Moreover, Execution of pure functions do not need a transaction.

What are Solidity Fallback Functions?

A fallback function in Solidity is a unique function that is automatically carried out when a contract gets a transaction that does not correspond to any of its other functions.

Types of fallback functions in Solidity

The “fallback” function

A contract can have at most one fallback function, declared using either 

fallback () external [payable]


fallback (bytes calldata _input) external [payable] returns (bytes memory _output) 

The function keyword is not used when declaring fallback functions. External visibility is required for this kind of function. A fallback function may be virtual, may be modified, and may be overridden.

If none of the other functions match the provided function signature, or if no data was sent at all and there is no receive Ether function, the fallback function is run when the contract is called. The fallback function always receives data, but it must be designated payable in order to additionally receive ether.

The “receive” function 

A contract can have at most one receive function, declared using

receive() external payable { ... } 

The function keyword is not used in the definition of the “receive” function. This function needs to be externally visible, payable , and cannot take any arguments or return anything. It can be virtual, can be overridden, and can have modifiers.

The receive function is executed on a call to the contract with empty calldata. This is the function that is executed on plain Ether transfers (e.g. via .send() or .transfer()). If no such function exists, but a payable fallback function exists, the fallback function will be called on a plain Ether transfer. 

If the contract doesn’t have either a “receive Ether” function or a “payable fallback” function, it can’t get Ether through normal transactions and throws an exception.


Examples of scenarios where fallback functions are useful

  1. Handling unexpected transactions: The fallback function can be used to process the transaction and carry out custom error handling if a contract gets a transaction that does not match any of its other functionalities. This can prevent unforeseen conduct and increase the security of the contract.
  1. Implementing custom payment processing: Custom payment processing logic can be implemented in a contract using fallback functions. A contract might, for instance, contain a fallback function that takes payments in a particular token and executes unique validation or conversion logic prior to altering the contract’s state.
  1. Gas optimization: Gas utilization in a contract can be optimized via fallback functions. To save on the gas costs associated with delivering data to the contract, a contract can, for instance, provide a fallback function that accepts a compressed data format.
  1. Rejecting invalid transactions: If a transaction doesn’t match a set of requirements, such a minimum payment amount or a set of data payloads, fallback functions can be used to reject it as invalid. This can stop hostile actors from interfering unintentionally with the contract.

In conclusion, Solidity’s fallback functions are a very important part of smart contracts. They make it possible to use custom logic and handle unwanted transactions, which can make a contract more reliable, effective, and secure. The addition of the receive function to more recent versions of Solidity has increased the flexibility and adaptability of fallback functions.

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