Author: Ashwin Yardi
Basic overview of data types in solidity
Solidity is a high-level, object-oriented programming language that is used to write smart contracts and build D-apps. It also supports inheritance, libraries, and sophisticated user-defined types. Solidity is a statically typed language. That means, you will have to declare the type of variables in advance unlike javascript. Any programming language has basic data types and…
Understanding NFT Staking and how it works
Staking has been prominent in the crypto circles and has been a key component of various protocols. NFT staking follows a similar approach and should sound quite familiar to the folks who understand ERC20 staking / yield farming conceptually. Before we dive deep into NFT staking, do follow me on twitter for more such informative…
EIP-712 structured data hashing and signing explained
Ethereum for identity verification Cryptography is at the heart of blockchain technology. An identity in ethereum is represented by public-private keypair. Using this keypair and asymmetric cryptography, the origin of a transaction and its integrity are established. How? Let me try to explain it quickly. Let’s say that I have a public-private key pair. While…
Introduction to Truffle: Sweet tool for smart contract development
One of the most exciting features that the Ethereum blockchain brings to the table is the ability to write smart contracts! This has revolutionized the use of blockchain as a technology and has opened new doors for its adaptation. Typically, platforms like ethereum, hyperledger, eos, and few others now let you build smart contracts however,…